Today there are many business opportunities for people worldwide which can give them the flexibility to work on their timing. Working in any Multi-level marketing is not just limited to sell products but also makes it a source of income.
MLM is all about to earn money through referrals and it one of the reasons to boost product sales. It means distributors are earning form their sales and also some percentage of income from the down line. As the chain continues to grow employees at every level are earning from sales.
One such company that is not only known for its high-quality products but its business model is Vestige. Many people in Indi are just running their homes with vestige and have established themselves as a successful business by working as a my vestige business plan distributor.
What is Vestige?

Vestige Business plan

Vestige’s business plan is the same as other Network marketing companies. But the possibility of earning is very high in Vestige as compared to others. Vestige’s business plan is not a scam if you have proper knowledge and training.
Vestige joining amount
There is no discrimination based on class, sex, age and education. This means that everyone can join vestige to earn money by selling products and forming down lines. There are no vestige joining amount but initially to join business one needs to buy products worth Rs.1000 that will give 30point value.
The Vestige business plan works on two factors that are as follows:
1. Product purchase
When a person joins as distributor he/she gets price less than MRP. So, selling such products to another person would help them to earn from difference and also point volume. The distributor also earns Business volume based on products purchased and it would help to get earning based on both values.
2. Recruitment
Only purchasing products as a distributor and earning point value or business volume is not enough. You need to make your team under your name which is possible through recruitment. People working under your downlink will sell products and earn from it which will also add some value to your earnings. Thus network formation is the main goal of the MLM plan.
Vestige Marketing Plan – Types of Income
Vestige is helping people to sell products and earn through it. But that’s not all as you can have some percentage of earning by employees who are working under your team and so on. People who are dreaming to become a millionaire can join vestige where hard work will surely pay them off.
There are nearly 7 types of income through vestige which is explained as follows:
1. Retail Profit
2. Director Bonus
Points that are earned in previous months are added in the new month and based on accumulation one gets a performance bonus.
4. Leadership overriding Bonus
Vestige Business Plan Pdf
Vestige products

Earning through vestige can be increased if you are using products on your own as it will help to know about its positive side. So, if you are taking it as a serious business it is advisable to start using different vestige products in your daily life and get to know more about it.
Who should join Vestige Plan?
Many people are confused about whether they must join vestige or not. One who is good at marketing and looking out for full time or part-time income though MLM business must surely go for Vestige.
It is not an easy task and requires perfect training, marketing skills and time so before joining it think wisely. It is an opportunity for college going students and housewives to have part-time work and make it a source of income.
People who are willing to work from the comfort of their home without any peer pressure must go for Vestige. You can start under the distributor and slowly can make your team who would work for you and help to increase your income.
The business model of Vestige is quite similar to any other popular MLM companies. One is not required to pay anything as joining fees to make it as a source of income. People who assume that Vestige Scam or is illegal are wrong. It is one of the best companies in India and going for MLM in vestige is completely legal.
High-quality vestige products and best business plans are the main reason for its popularity. It is the common name today which might be heard by every person in India. Based on review Vestige MLM plan and benefits is far better than any other such company. If you too are an admirer of Vestige products join in the chain and start earning from it.