If there’s one thing college students always need is more money. Paying for college isn’t easy. Having a little extra cash on the hand is a major stress reliever. Then you can finally focus on what you are supposed to do while in college- studying.
Here are some ways you can make side money to pay for your tuition fees:
1. Freelance Work
The virtual business industry is booming at a massive rate. More and more people are leaving their full-time jobs to work from home. Surprisingly, they end up earning more from this side job than they did with their full-time job.
The biggest benefit of working from home during college is flexible work hours. You don’t have to miss any classes or study groups. You can work from anywhere at any time you like.
So, how can you earn side money through freelance work?
Join freelance websites like Freelancer.com or Upwork.com. Create your profile and start looking for work.
You can also try getting a side gig from Facebook. Join groups where you will find entrepreneurs and small businesses. They are always looking for someone to help them with their work. Help manage their social media. Set up their website if you’re a techie. Or just help out with some administrative work.
Plus, this would go very well on your resume once you start looking for a job. Or you might just build your business from there. Many have!
2. Sell Items
Are you good at crafts? Or perhaps you have a skill? Figure out what you can sell. Maybe you can help market someone’s else products and earn a commission through that. That’s what we call affiliate marketing.
Think of what your friends and people around you are in need of. Create a product or a service around it. It will be easier to convince these people to buy from you because they perhaps already trust you.
Did you know that many professional organizing experts started the same way? Because they found an opportunity and were good at it, they are now earning six-figure income for their side jobs.
Once you have a product or a service in mind, think of where you are going to sell it. You can sell on Facebook groups or set up a Shopify account. You can even partner with your local e-commerce website and ask them to put up your products for a commission.
3. Use Your Car
If you have a car, you can become an Uber driver. You might yourself used Uber now, so you already know the basics.
Uber actually has minimum requirements for their cars and drivers. If you meet them, you can apply by filling out the application to become a driver at Uber. Once you are approved, download their driver app and start offering your services as a driver. Again, you can choose your own timings.
If you think you don’t have the time and energy to drive people around, you can still rent out your car through Getaround. Getaround is a car-sharing service where you charge others to rent your car.
Download the Getaround app. You can start your free trial for 30 days and after that, you have to pay $99 fees for a Connect installation. After that, you pay 40% of your earnings to Getaround for using their apps to get clients. But in return, they offer you insurance and security that your car would be misused or stolen.
4. Baby Sit or Pet Sit
If you love kids or pets, you can not only get a decent amount of money but also have fun while earning money. Start by offering your services to your friends, family, and colleagues. Again, these are the people who trust you and would be willing to offer you their beloved pets and children to look after. Ask them for reviews and referrals to grow your sitting business.
As an adult, you can probably even demand a higher per hour fees. Professional sitters charge up to $100/hr. Your starting rate would probably be much lower than that but with time you can really grow your business if people start recommending you more often.
5. Get a Student Loan
We have all heard of so many horror stories when it comes to student loans. People trying to pay off their students loans even after they have crossed the 50s. To be honest, paying off student loans isn’t very difficult if you play it smart.
Focus on your education while in college by getting a student loan through ihelp. You can start paying once you get a good job!
Whatever side income you choose, we suggest that you choose something you love doing. You don’t want to turn it into a source of stress while you are trying to make your way through college.