These type of games ‘Choose a number Game‘ are played on a various social media platform like Hike dares, Instagram dares, WhatsApp dares and also dares over text. Some of the Choose a number dare games are to know about friends and even try something crazy things. Dares are challenging for an introvert person but are equally funny.
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Choose a number Game (Whatsapp & Instagram) Dares
Dare is waiting for u choose a number 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 7 ? 8 ? 9 ? 10 ? 11 ? 12 ? 13 ? 14 (A dare is waiting for you choose a number from 1 to 75)
So, here are some dares that can be worked on social media platforms:
- If you are in a relationship and willing to get naughty with a partner, ask to perform a pole dance just with underwear.
- Sing a poem that is mainly focused on me and praise me in it.
- Use your toothbrush to comb your hair and then to brush your teeth.
- Call your crush right now and talk rudely to him or her.
- Perform an intense kissing scene with a mirror.
- Wear clothes of some with the opposite gender
- Try to imitate a celebrity and send the video in our group.
- Gargle with tomato ketchup for at least for 30 seconds and swallow it.
- Flirt anyone from the group who is of the same gender.
- Make funny faces and post pictures as your WhatsApp status.
- Make tea with water and spices. It must contain all the spices present in your spice rack.
- Keep a finger on your nose for 5 minutes.
- Kiss anyone next to you on the back of the knee.
- If it’s male friend, ask to put lipstick and makeup like a girl and click a selfie.
- Pick nose when someone is looking at you.
- Dress up like Spiderman and do its signature step.
- Think that mirror is your lover and show your anger to him or her.
- Send naughty messages in our group.
- Put ice cubes in your underwear and allow it to meltdown.
- Wrap your love foot in duct tape and walk all around.
- Flirt with a friend who is already committed.
- Act like an animal for 1 hour
- Send a screenshot of all members of the group showing by what name have you saved the number.
- Talk rubbish in the group and try to irritate everyone.
- Add chilli sauce, mustard sauce and mayo in the glass of water and drink it.
- Massage your face for 5 minutes with toothpaste.
- Break two eggs on flour and don’t clean it until your mother see it.
- Shave your one armpit only.
- Do 30 squats with every squat say “I love you”.
- Wear your dirty socks in hands for an hour.
Number games (Choose a number Game)
1. Select any number from the below – given list and I would tell “What am I for You”.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7
1 – You are addicted to me
2 – We are best friends
3 – You can’t live without me
4 – You Love me more than anything
5 – We are just time pass Friends
6 – You always need me
7 – I am your secret keeper
Dare is waiting for u choose a number 1,2,3,4,5,6…
Dare is waiting for u choose a number 1 📩 2 📩 3 📩 4 📩 5 📩 6 📩 7 📩 8 📩 9 📩 10 📩 11 📩 12 📩 13 📩 14
2. Select any number from the given list and perform the given task as soon as possible.
☆1 : Record some song in your voice and send back.
♤2 : Dance on any item song and record video.
♡3 : Call me and talk to me continuously for 10 minutes.
♢4 : Click selfie in whatever condition you are and send to me.
♧5 : Tell me about the most important person in your life.
□6 : Talk about things that you don’t like in me.
○7 : Send the funniest video of yours in our common group
¤8 : Update your WhatsApp status with “I am in Love”
€9 : Record a short clip saying things you love in me.
£10 : Tell me one thing which you have never shared with anyone.
¥11 : Tell me about your first crush
₩12 : Send the screenshot of browser history right now
$13 : Share your thoughts about your partner you wish to have in life.
#14 : Keep my picture as yourmobile wallpaper for complete 1 day.
@15 : Send the naughtiest message you have every send to any friend.
Choose a number Game for Friends
3. Choose from the triplets gives below and I will show you “Who you are”. This is mostly to try on the male partner.
000 – Boring person
111–A caring person
222–Laziest person
333 – Quite talkative
444 – Romantic lover
555–A true Friend
666–Addicted to Sex
888–Hard worker
999–Handsome Hunk
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Choose a number Game for Couples
4. Select any number from 1- 10 and treat me with the related answer. It is mainly for couples who want to test their partner.
❤1 – Propose me right now through video call
❤2–Make my photo as your WhatsApp DP for 1 day
❤3 –Scream my name loud and say you love me
❤4 –Rate my looks from 1 to 10
❤5 –kiss me on video call
❤6 –What would you like to change in me.
❤7 –Change your relationship status as “Committed’
❤8 –Send me the picture of us that you like the most and I will post it in our group
❤9 –Create a collage photo of ours that have alteast 10 photos and make it as DP
❤10 – Change your status and give me Marriage proposal with name
Social media have become the best platform to spend time with friends. But it is not just limited to chatting or calling as dare games are in trend now. It is one way that will help couples to know more about each other or have some entertainment with friends. There are number games and dare that can be asked to be performed by friends or your partner to have some fun.
These are some of the dares and numbers games that you can try out with friends or your partner. It is mostly for fun and so plays it accordingly. As we all are spending most of the time on mobile, it is the best way to stay connected.